Baked peppers sprinkled with seasoned breadcrumbs


Serves 4

  • 4 “Corno di bue” (Ox-horn) peppers (2 red and 2 yellow)
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 2 tbsp breadcrumbs
  • 2 tbsp sheep’s cheese (pecorino)
  • 1 tbsp capers preserved in salt
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 pinch oregano
  • unrefined sea salt


Wash the peppers, chop in half, remove the seeds and slice again into 4 parts. Fry the peppers in a large frying pan with 2 tablespoons of the oil and the garlic, chopped into two pieces, stirring frequently until nicely browned (this will take around 15 minutes).

Rinse the capers to remove the salt, chop and mix with the breadcrumbs, the grated sheep’s cheese, oregano and a pinch of salt.

Arrange the peppers in an ovenproof dish or baking tray and scatter over the seasoned bread. Drizzle with oil to season and bake au gratin at 200°C for about 8 minutes. Serve warm.

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